Our Beloved Brother...Felix Pappalardi
Liberty Blues Band "Live Broadcast"
Rich & Mark
Liberty Blues "Live Broadcast" Finale

Rich Steele (Guitar, vocals), Robert Brissette (Bass, vocals), Mike Ratti (Drums & percussion) and Mark (Guitar, vocals)...And our beloved brother Felix Pappalardi (who we considered the fifth member of the group) whom we all miss dearly.

Each member of this band individually a talent in his own right, added to this band's collective strength and proven versatility. Starting out as NBC's Hot Hero Band on the Emmy award winning NBC TV series "Hot Hero Sandwich" (which aired 1979-1980), this band along with producer Felix Pappalardi (of "Mountain" and "Cream" fame) wrote and recorded the music for the series and performed on camera for each show episode as the house band. Mark, during his tenure there teamed up with Steven Stills recording and performing two songs for the show as well. Not wanting to ride on the show's coat tails, they also toured as "212" and as a back up band for various artists (Ian Lloyd) and were favorably received by audiences wherever they played. They were also asked to be the house band for yet another broadcast, this time for New York's WNEW live radio simulcast "Liberty Blues Special" teaming up again with Felix Pappalardi. This live simulcast featured many guest performer notables. (Aerosmith's Steven Tyler, Brad Whitford, Tom Hamilton, Joey Kramer, Jimmy Crespo, Bobby Keys, Derek St. Holmes, Richie Supa, Mitch Weiss & Rick Derringer). These four musicians (212) although pursuing different musical careers today shared something special together. Thank you Felix!!!